I got an order for a birthday cake for a friend I play volleyball with. Her mom and daughter couldn't decide on just one of Kim's interests...so we did all three. She is really into biking. She had done triathlons and they said she just really loves biking.She also loves to play volleyball. And the third thing, she always has her camera with her. She loves to take pictures!!
This was a birthday cake for brothers. Hyrum's birthday is in june and Porter's is in december, so they celebrate a half birthday for him. One likes Legos and one likes trains, so we combined the two.
We have been married five years!!! Time has gone fast but nothing new for us. Scott is continuing school at UVU and Tia is still working at the Dentist office and taking a few classes at UVU. Together we enjoy making cakes in our spare time. We are loving being married!