Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daddy Daughter Birthday

Happy Birthday to Troy and Tayla. My friend, Shea, asked me to do a daddy daughter cake. Their birthdays are only a few days apart so they were having a joing party. Tayla didn't know she was getting a cake. Shea told me that when they got to the party location Tayla kept asked her mom why she didn't have the cake made. she was very concerned about it. She was quite surprised when Shea walked through the door a few minutes after that with this cake. This was the Daughter side of the cake. Tayla turned 13!!! She has a passion for cheerleading.She has a bunch of quotes on her blog about cheerleading so i copied those onto the cake. my personal favorite one is "wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people"

This is the Daddy side of the cake. Troy enjoys the great outdoors. from hunting to four wheeling to fishing. We had a little fun with this side. we decided to put Troy asleep with his line cast out and the fish are jumping all around. isn't that usually how fishing goes, nothing bites when you want it to :)

This was a side view of the cakes


  1. Must have been a late night considering you were making costumes for us until 9:30 and I gave you the pictures just before you left. These are really cute cakes. Very talented both of you.

  2. That is a great idea. I am always impressed. Why don't you just come visit and do Brooklyns Birthday cake. Trying to decide what will look cute but is not beyond my abilities is causing some stress.

  3. hey tia! this is tayla...the proud owner of the cheerleading cake! thank you so much! i LOVED IT SO MUCH! i couldnt get enough of it! i took a picture of every single possible angle! and i made everybody eat my dads side just so i could enjoy admiring my side! if anyone tried to mess with my side...ohh! :)
    thanks SOOOO much! i luv it!! :)

  4. i like it!!! it's fun to see the very creative side oh the two put together.... this is Hayden btw
