Saturday, March 6, 2010

Phineus and Ferb

My husband just had a birthday!! I decided since he LOVES Phineus and Ferb that i would make him a birthday cake with them. For those of you who aren't as familiar with the show, it's about two boys who do crazy things each day of their summer vacation.
The cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting used for the filling and decorating. The tree is made out of rice crispie treats and covered with frosting. The characters are made out of gum paste.
The day always starts out under the tree in their backyard.
Phineus is the dreamer...he always comes up with the idea and says "Ferb, I know what we are going to do today!"

This is Ferb. He doesn't say much.

And this is Perry, their pet platapus. I don't know how to spell that. Anyway, he is an undercover agent that fights the Evil Doofensmirtz. Good stuff!
Happy Birthday Scott! Love you!

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